I was born in '76 (you do the math) and I work as a Project Manager + Software Architect + Full Stack Web Dev (yup, multiple hats) in a large multinational, so my coding time is limited, and Work > Gaming. Make an in-game donation (EU only : gold, BOE's, pets, mounts.Make a gift from my Amazon's wish list :.If you want to help development, or simply show your appreciation, use one of the following ways: You might not know this, but add-ons do not write themselves. It provides you information about your alts (bags, mails, AH, etc.) without having to reconnect them all the time. The add-on has been in development since December 2007 and was officially released in late March 2008.
This means cleaning the following files in \WTF\Account\\SavedVariables : a & All DataStore*.lua About the add-on: If you are upgrading from a version below 9.0.003, YOU MUST CLEAR YOUR SAVED VARIABLES !! Hi, my name is Thaoky, and I'm an AltoholicĪltoholic is an Ace 3 add-on written for people who dedicate most of their time to leveling alts, and who want to have as much information as possible in one place.